T for Tea
Mornings are a really fun time with Georgia, she wakes at a *&^!” , well, shall we say an evil hour of about 5.30am and is usually raring to go the minute she’s fully awake, which is maybe 5.32am!
Mornings are also when she’s not grouchy waiting for food and not grouchy from being over tired from the lack of sleep (she doesn’t seem to nap properly at nursery, a good nap is maybe 1.5 hours long, ALL DAY!).
So, anyway, this morning she noticed our cups had a different coloured liquid to hers (water or milk) and fervently pointed to our cups saying
There! There! There! (this has been her favourite word since she started talking)
So I told her, “That’s tea. Can you say tea?” and VOILA!
She said,
although really it sounded more like T…
Can you tell the difference???
© 2007, Li-ling. All rights reserved.