Mar 24, 2008 -
Conversations, Parenting, Philosophy
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'Me' is You and 'You' is Me
Not that I’m a paranoid parent or anything, but ocassionally i check Georgia’s developments againsts ‘Your child should be doing….’ lists through random google searches. Mainly to know what to expect, and of course the ‘kia su’ in me, jumps for joy when I find out that her development is way advanced for her meagre two-years.
So anyway, I remember reading recently that, at two, expect your child to attempt to use ‘me’ and ‘you’ but also to mix them up, and that is precisely what Georgia has been doing.
‘Mummy, or-or with you’
‘When mama talks to you….’
‘Daddy, po-po you’
© 2008, Li-ling. All rights reserved.