Thinking of Rosa…
I found out today that my friend Rosa’s little baby Isaac who was born prematurely has passed away.
I have not seen or spoken to R for years and years and we have only just connected through Facebook again. It was also on Facebook that I saw her first photos of baby Isaac; the same place I posted my congratulations and where I also read that Rosa had lost baby Isaac.
There seems to be some disconnect with all things happening as is usually the case when news is so constant, immediate and very virtual. The fact that we are 6000 miles away from each other, probably explains a lot.
Still as I thought of Rosa, I realise how grateful I should be. We have been have challenging times with Georgia recently. She is without a doubt a very bright, happy child, yet she is equally strong willed and stubborn. She knows what she wants and when she wants it, and it often feels as if we are constantly being dictated to by a 4 year old (although I’m sure it’s not entirely true!).
So today and for everyday moving forward, I will remember to hold my family a little closer and tell them that I love them.
Rest well sweet Isaac.
Our love, thoughts and prayers to you and your family Rosa.
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