Mar 11, 2011 -
Conversations, Family, Learning, Life, Music, Parenting, School
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Conversations with Georgia: On Lent
This morning, at 5 am, (!) Georgia squeezed in next to me. As I willed her back to sleep, her little voice pipes out:
G: Mum, when’s Easter?
(I can see her thinking chocolate, easter eggs, holiday!)
Me: It will be soon, but do you know, now is the time called Lent?
G: (huffily) I know that already.
Me: And do you know what Lent is about? (pause…but no response comes) It’s about giving up things.
G (without skipping a beat!) : Ok! I can give up work and Cello practise!
Obviously I explained to her that Lent was about giving up things you really like or love, and her reasoning was,
G: (adamantly) But I do really like writing!
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