Row, row, row your boat
Do you know how to sing it?
- Row, row, row the boat
- Gently down the river
- If you see a polar bear
- Don’t forget to shiver
- Row, row, row the boat
- Gently in the bath
- If you see a spider
- Don’t forget to laugh
Do you know how to sing it?
Another conversation that took place this morning on the way to ‘school’
G: Where is Undy?
Me: In Monmouth
G: Where is Monmouth?
Me: In Wales
G: Where is Wales?
Me: In the UK.
G: Where is the UK?
Me: That’s where we are now…
G: Where does Ah Kong live?
Me: In Penang…
We SO REALLY need to get a world map.
Georgia has been fascinated with the garbage trucks for some time now. Three kinds visit our area each week, the ‘worms’ truck that takes away all our compostable waste, the recyling truck that takes away glass, cans and generally everything recyclable (except plastic milk bottles!) and finally the rubbish truck that takes away everything else.
This morning on our way to ‘school’ we drove past the ‘Worms’ truck….and that led to this conversation.
G: Oh look mummy – the worms truck.
Me: Oh yes – it does look like the worms truck.
G: They are picking up rubbish for the worms to eat eat eat.
Me: Yes – but the worms can’t eat all kinds of rubbish – only some kinds – like paper and cardboard and food that we don’t want. And then all the other rubbish goes into the other rubbish truck – like plastic and everything else that the worms can’t eat.
G: Who teaches the worms?
It took me a while to work out that Georgia as actually asking who teaches the worms (teaches sounded a bit like kisses) but G patiently repeated herself several times until I got it.
My final explanation was : it’s something that the worms do – they break up the soil and eat the rubbish and after that we can use soil to plant more food and flowers.
Me: Where there are no houses….
and how it drives me mad.
We all went swimming yesterday – or at least that was the plan. Georgia had helped her dad neatly pack a bag complete with towels, combs and toiletries. The efficiency of it all – just to go to waste as we LEFT IT AT HOME!
This morning, in the car…
G: Where is Bambi?
Me: In the forest.
G: Where is the forest?
Me: In the country-side
G: Where is the country-side?
Me: Where there are no houses….
Note to self — perhaps – ‘Bambi’s in the book’ would have been a more accurate answer which would not have had any more follow-ons
Books read:
Alphabets – U, V
From the library –
Curious George catches a train
Postman Pat and the big butterflies
Tuesdays seem to have become our weekly visit to the market and to the library to return our books and borrow new ones.
Cherries were the new thing for Georgia today, bought from the market at £2 per pound. Final conclusion was – They taste like grapes but with large seeds in them. So far, Georgia has only had seedless grapes.
Books read today:
Letters S and T – both recognised.
Numbers 1 to 10.
A library book – I love my bed.
is chocolate!
We often have ‘hidden’ conversations – particularly when trying to decide if Georgia is allowed a treat, usually, chocolate. The problem with that is her ears are so sharp she picks up any hint of the word so you can’t actually say it and then decide not to give it to her.
So … we took to spelling C-H-O-C-O. She soon realised that we were spelling it and she has now started saying, “Georgie wants M-O-C-Y” .
And when you ask her what is M-O-C-Y, she says CHOC-CHOC!
Addendum – 10th June 2008
G: Georgie want something special.
Me: What is something special?
G: M-O-C-Y
Me: What is M-O-C-Y?
G: Chocolate!
After a traumatic first ‘proper’ haircut, in Penang, November 2007, almost 7 months ago, I thought it might be about time Georgia had another trim to her hair. As we discussed it, she said, “Ok – just use small ‘coat’.” Turns out she was frightened/put off by the huge wrap-around cloak that was used. So today at our home hairdressers, Georgia’s hair was cut without much ado in the bathroom, and i’m pleased to say it actually looks half decent! Much the same style, straight very slightly layers at the ends….but about 2 inches shorter.
Looking in the mirror, my very verbal 2-year old says, “It’s nice, but feels funny”.
I had forgotten what that was like — feeling a little different after a haircut.
Other things that happened today, with Dad at home with a day off… a day of baking.
Results: Japanese Souffle CHeesecake/Cottonsoft Recipe and a double recipe of the most divine banana bread with walnuts and sherry-infused raisins. Mmmm….
Books Georgia read today:
Usborne Phonics Series
Ted in a Red Bed
Mouse moves house
Alphabets – L, M
Numbers – 1 to 10
Books Recently enjoyed:
Oliver’s Vegetables
Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too (2 versions)
Postman Pat’s Busy Week
I love you just the way you are
Floppy Ears
Paddington Bear
Georgia’s first dental appointment went surprisingly well. She opened wide for the dentist to have a look in her mouth which was a bit iffy — whether she would or not.
Some preparation helped, I’m sure, in the form of the Usborne series The Book of First Experiences -Going to the Dentist which we read last night – carefully edited to leave out the bit about injections and fillings….torturous details can come later!
The few ideas that helped convince Georgia that the dentists is a ‘fun’ place.
All in all, a pleasantly good experience. Even if she did sit in my lap on the dentists special chair….
She did well just opening wide and saying AAAaaa…..