Nursery – A black hole….
Overall I’m impressed and generally pleased satisfied with Georgia’s attendance at the nursery ‘down the road’. It did occur to me recently however, if and when we leave no longer live here, we and more importantly, she, would have no record of having spent time at nursery…. by this I mean, no photos with her friends or playmates, no videos… nothing apart from some art and craft and the weekly scarily-luminscent coloured cup cake or biscuit.
Having thought this through, the simplest solution to all this was, I thought, let’s just loan them our camera or video camera for the week and the staff could at their discretion take videos or photos for us.
Alas….this was not to be.
You see, because apparently, apart from not being allowed to see the babies in the nursery setting, once we hand them over, we are also not allowed to have photos of any of the other nursery children.
I was told,
Sorry, but we cannot have any other children in the photos. We could have Georgia playing with some toys, if you like, but we can’t have any other children in the photos.
I understand the fear concerns and the need for security…but this really is extreme, surely??
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