Jun 11, 2011 -
Conversations, Family, Parenting
Conversations with Georgia: My Daddy Likes to Get Drunk
This morning as I was getting breakfast ready a little voice pipes out.
G: My daddy really likes getting drunk.
Taken quite by surprise and rather shocked (we only very very ocassionally have a drink), I replied.
Me: No he doesn’t.
G: Yes he does…he loves to get drunk.
Me: But daddy’s allergic to alcohol.
G: Oh? He’s ‘llergic to alcohol (she understands what it means to be allergic). How?
Me: He gets rashes and other things when he has alcohol.
G: Oh….but he loves to drink Coke!
Disclaimer: I did tell her, Coke does not have alcohol and yes DH does really really like Coca-cola.
© 2011, Li-ling. All rights reserved.
He! He! bless her! I’m over from Blow Your Blog Horn and thought i’d say Hi!
Hi Aly, Thanks for stopping by!
That. is. so. cute. Seriously, I can’t wait until F starts talking so she comes up with some corkers like this!
I know..they come up with the most hilarious things. But then there are days when I wish she would just Shut up! 🙂 all that joy for you to come. Thanks for visiting!
Aha, how very precious. The boys know all about alhol as they still call it at nearly 5 and 6. They call it mucky booze and love a little sip!
Ahhh…time to ‘fess up I guess. G’s highlight of hot summer days is Pimms and lemonade 🙂 Thanks for visiting.